As Europeans love dried fruit and nuts from the western part of the United States, TradeScope is taking a group of European buyers to California, Arizona and New Mexico next week. This has become an annual trip and works brilliantly with success stories worth over US $12 million from the 2015 trip. We are also stopping in at the Almond Conference in Sacramento to network with almond producers.
In 2015 the EU-28 was the primary export destination for US tree nuts. Tree nut shipments from the US to the EU-28 have doubled over the last decade, reaching a record US $2.98 billion in 2015. In 2015, almonds totalled almost US $2 billion in sales (both in-shell and shelled), followed by walnuts at US $444 million and pistachios at US $426 million.
TradeScope is proud to be part of this well deserved expansion!