According to the organisers, ISM Cologne is “… the world’s leading trade fair for confectionery and snacks offers inspiration and innovation, exciting networking possibilities, top-class exhibitors and competent visitors.” Our own experience of ISM bears this out. In tandem with ProSweets Cologne, it represents the entire industrial value chain, from ingredients to production to final packaged product. The core competencies of ISM Cologne are cocoa, chocolate, chocolate products, biscuits, snack foods, sugar confectionery, ice cream and raw pastes.
ISM 2022 is allowed to take place under strict hygiene controls which you can read about in detail here.
ISM takes place January 30 to February 2, and an integral part of the show is something the organisers call 'Segments' and which they describe thus: "Changes in consumer needs lead to new nutritional trends and product innovations. As the world’s largest trade fair for confectionery and snack items, the ISM is picking up on these trends and enhancing its product worlds with new theme areas to do with sweet and savoury in-between snacks.” Segments is always a fund of fascinating insights and product innovations.
If you’re going to be at the show, arrange to meet Jörg and he will help you make the most of it. You can get hold of Jörg here:
Don't worry if you're not able to make it to the show as Jörg will be reporting back after the show in this very blog.